Your body has the natural ability to heal itself.

One of the ways it does so is via the trillions of connections afforded to it by the nervous system. The nervous system goes from the brain down the spinal cord and out at various points from the spinal column into the rest of the body and back again to the brain. This network of nerves is the body’s communication system which is constantly at work relaying information from the brain to the body and from the body to the brain. A simple illustration of this healing ability at work via the nervous system is when we cut ourselves:

This stress to the body sends a sensation of pain to alert the brain of the injury. On the site of injury the muscles constrict, stiffening up in order to stem the flow of blood. Immediately platelets begin to release proteins which form a clot to stop the loss of blood while the brain signals the immune cells and proteins to flock to the site of injury and begin the repair process. As the healing takes place the nerves ease off the signal of pain from the site of injury to the brain until we forget that we had ever been in so much pain.

As highlighted above, the effectiveness of the body’s communication system is vital for healing.

Body Stress Release has found that when the body is experiencing an overload of stress it reflexively responds by constricting the muscles, which in turn puts pressure on the nerves, disturbing the body’s communication system and undermining its natural self-healing ability.